I know I've been shocking some of you about my list of mods I run and at last I found a fast way for me to put the list up. So without further ado.....Here they are:
Here's my list of WoW AddOns. You may download, install and update
these at any time using WowMatrix at
http://www.wowmatrix.com/!Swatter - Debugging tool for handling and displaying of error messages in a useful way.
ArcHUD2 - Combat HUD based on NurfedHUD
Armory - Provides an overview of equipment, stats, inventory, professions, quests and spells for all your characters
ArmoryGuildBank - Provides guild bank information to Armory users
Atlas - Instance Map Browser
Atlas_Battlegrounds - Battleground Maps
Atlas_DungeonLocs - Dungeon Locations
Atlas_OutdoorRaids - Outdoor Raid Encounters
Atlas_Transportation - Transportation Maps
AtlasLoot - Shows the possible loot from the bosses
AtlasLootFu - Minimap button for AtlasLoot
AtlasQuest - Shows the Quests for dungeons and battlegrounds.
Auc-Advanced - AuctioneerAdvanced, An addon to help keep track of items values. You must at least enable a statistics extension (like Auc:Stats:Simple) to start tracking stats.
AuldLangSyne - Friends list improvements: notes, remembering the information of offline friends, friend list syncing and backups, and a fubar plugin for it all
Bartender4 - Simple and Advanced combined - Bartender4 ActionBar AddOn
BeanCounter -
Broker2FuBar - Shows your LDB sources in FuBar.
Cartographer - Addon to manipulate the map
Cartographer_Battlegrounds - Module which provides maps of battlegrounds.
Cartographer_Coordinates - Module to add coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor.
Cartographer_Foglight - Module to show unexplored areas on the map.
Cartographer_GroupColors - Module which turns all your party's and your raid's POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group.
Cartographer_GuildPositions - Module which shows you your fellow guild members' positions, as well as allowing them to see you.
Cartographer_InstanceLoot - Display of loot on instance bosses.
Cartographer_InstanceMaps - Module which provides maps of instances.
Cartographer_InstanceNotes - Module which adds default notes to the instance maps.
Cartographer_LookNFeel - Module which allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
Cartographer_Minimap_Coords - Show coordinates on minimap
Cartographer_Notes - Module which allows you to put notes on the map.
Cartographer_POI - Module to manage points of interest.
Cartographer_Professions - Stub for loading Cartographer module addons based on your professions.
Cartographer_Waypoints - Module which shows an arrow to direct you to a specified note or location.
Cartographer_ZoneInfo - Module which on hovering over a zone, will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the number of men the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man).
ChatMOD - General Purpose full featured Chat Enhancement Collection
CooldownCount - Display Cooldown Count of Spell Icon and Item
Cosplay - Adds a button to undress the model in the Dressing room.
DBM-Battlegrounds - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-BlackTemple - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-BurningCrusade - Burning Crusade boss mods for Deadly Boss Mods.
DBM-ChamberOfAspects - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-Core - Deadly Boss Mods
DBM-EyeOfEternity - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-GUI - GUI for Deadly Boss Mods
DBM-Hyjal - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-Karazhan - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-LDB - A LibDataBroker data source for Deadly Boss Mods.
DBM-Naxx - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-Outlands - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-Party-WotLK - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-Serpentshrine - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-Sunwell - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-TheEye - Deadly Boss Mods module
DBM-ZulAman - Deadly Boss Mods module
DemonDaemon - ShardAce Reborn!
DepositBox! - Allows You To Store Gold Away, Allows You To Set A Percentage Of Gold To Store On Every Loot, And Many Other Things...
EasyMail - Mail frame mod that allows the user to select addressees from a drop-down list and to automatically collect all attachments from all mails in the in-box
Enchantrix - Display information in item tooltips pertaining to the results of disenchanting said item. [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
Enchantrix-Barker - Print Enchant price lists to chat [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
EnhTooltip - Used to display enhanced tooltips under the original tooltip or in the original tooltip, contains hooking functions for almost all major in game item tooltips [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
EquipCompare - Compare items easily with ones you have equipped (2.14)
FishingBuddy - Help with fishing related tasks -- clothing, fish information, etc.
FuBar - A panel that modules can plug into.
FuBar_AmmoFu - Keeps track of you ammunition, be it with thrown weapons or with bullets/arrows.
FuBar_AtlasFu - Adds an Atlas button to FuBar.
FuBar_BagFu - Keeps track of space left in your bags.
FuBar_ClockFu - A simplistic clock.
FuBar_DurabilityFu - Keeps track of durability and pops up a dialog to repair when you go to a vendor who can.
FuBar_ExperienceFu - Keeps track of experience.
FuBar_FactionsFu - Shows your standings with the factions.
FuBar_FishingBuddyFu - Show the FishingBuddy menu in FuBar.
FuBar_FuXPFu - Lightweight XP Bar
FuBar_GarbageFu - Drops the least valuable item in your bags to make space.
FuBar_GarbageFu_Prices - Price information to FuBar - GarbageFu
FuBar_GroupFu - Combination of Titan LootType and Roll - stripped down and cleaned up.
FuBar_HonorFu - Keeps track of honor and PvP statistics.
FuBar_InnboundFu - Display of Hearth location and cooldown on FuBar
FuBar_LocationFu - Keeps track of your current location.
FuBar_PerformanceFu - Keeps track of performance of memory, latency, and framerate.
FuBar_RecountFu - A FuBar plugin to show Recount.
FuBar_RoutesFu - A simple Fubar plugin for Cartographer_Routes to quickly show/hide routes in the current zone
FuBar_SkillsPlusFu - Shows skills in a tooltip and allow them to be used. Also keeps track of Cooldowns.
Gatherer - Gatherer, displays stuff you gather in your minimap and world map
Gatherer_HUD - The HUD is a navigation component that allows you to track the location of gatherables on your screen in a heads-up style overlay.
GFW_Linkerator - Remembers item links so you can type them out later.
InFlight - Statusbar timer for your flightpaths.
InFlight_Load - Loader for InFlight and/or shows flightmaster locations for Cartographer_Notes and HandyNotes
Informant - Displays detailed item information in tooltips, and can produce item reports by binding an information window to a keypress [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
LightHeaded - Allows you to view WoWHead comments for quests in-game
Ogri'Lazy - Memory span of a goldfish + Apexis Relics = No problem!
Omen - A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.
OneBag3 - OneBag is a replacement for the default game bags that combines all the bags into one frame.
Outfitter - Clothing and weapon management and automated equipment changes
Quartz - Modular casting bar.
QuestGuru - Quest Log replacement with Quest History
RatingBuster - Item stat breakdown, analysis and comparison
RecipeRadar - Locates vendors who sell recipes in the current region or by profession.
Recount - Records Damage and Healing for Graph Based Display
Routes - Routes on your worldmap and minimap!
sct - Adds Scrolling Combat Text above your character
sct_options - Options menu for SCT (LoadOnDemand)
SexyMap - Spice up ye olde minimap with some sexytime options.
SlideBar - Allows alternative placement of minimap icons into an expanding bar tab that sits on the side of the screen.
SmartyCat - Keeps track of your Druids mana when in Cat or Bear form.
SphereLoader - Small Addon to load class specific spheres like Venantes
Stubby - Allows on-demand addons to load automatically based upon simple event notification hooks [5.1.3715] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
Talented - The Talent Template Editor
Talented_Data - Class Data for The Talent Template Editor
TinyTipPositioning - Not required if you already have TinyTip, as this is a basic TinyTip module. Allows you to reposition the tooltip, smart repositioning, or just stick it to your cursor. It's what Thrae wants in his tooltip.
TotemTimers - Melki's Totem Timers w/ Totem Expiration
XPerl - Replaces the normal unit, party, target, pet frames and adds target-of-target.
ZOMGBuffs - All in one buffing mod for all classes. Paladin buff generated assignments based on Paladin capabilities and raid member sub-classes (druid tank vs. druid healer etc.). Plus overview of important raid buffs, and instant access rebuff on right click.