On January 30th, The Wrath of Lordaeron went back into Naxx to finish up the Spider Wing. They successfully downed Maexxna after one attempt! Afterwords they decided to try their luck in the Plauge Wing. After several attempts one of their members got Disconnected and failed to return. After switching him out after waiting several minutes for his return they Downed Noth the Plaguebringer! Feeling pretty good about their success, the raiders decided to have a go at the next boss. Several attempts later, and only half the raid alive, they downed Heigan the Unclean or as some call it, the "Safety Dance". The first couple waves took out half the raid and the five people alive killed him in 18 minutes!
Good Job Guys!!
The following people are congratulated on a job well done:
Special thanks to the following for replacing people who had to leave for various reasons:
The loot for the first kill is as follows:
MaexxnaSpaulder of the Monstrosity won by Silvenori
Wraith Spear won by Rondar
Noth the PlaguebringerTrespasser's Boots won by Jadedragon
Robes of Horase Breaths won by Sarria
Heigan the UncleanCuffs of Dark Shadows won by Telvyn
Saltarello Shoes won by Sarria
Congratulations Wrath of Lordaeron on another successful run into Naxxramas. On behalf of all the Officers and Raid Leader, Good Job Everyone!!
MaexxnaNoth the PlaguebringerHeigan the Unclean*Edit* -Trespasser's boots corrected to say that they were won by Jadedragon and not Telvyn.